Episode 24: Election Night Show

On this episode: Colton Bennett is going to challenge Rep. Lori McCann, who has been censured by several Republican central committees. McCann has been under fire from conservatives for years. Now she faces a young challenger. Bennett discusses his race with Freedom Bro’s Dustin Hurst.
The Freedom Bros Podcast continues to grow. You can currently watch us on Rumble, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and listen to us on Spotify. However, with the 2024 elections just around the corner, the big tech companies are ramping up censorship efforts on conservatives. It won’t be long before many of us are removed or shadow […]
On Episode 22: Idaho Congressman Russ Fulcher (R-CD1) discusses the latest fight over Speaker of the House and why he supports Rep. Jim Jordan for Speaker. We also discuss the Israel and Ukraine wars and why they are different. We also discuss the situation at the border and the disaster it has caused for our […]
On Episode 21: State Sen. Scott Herndon (R-Dist. 1) discusses his re-election bid against a challenge he unseated in 2022, Jim Woodward. Herndon is a staunch conservative taking on one of the most liberal State Senators northern Idaho had ever seen.
On Episode 20: Greg discusses the ouster of Speaker Kevin McCarthy by Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz. The ousting of a Speaker from their own party is unprecedented. Was the move by Gaetz a good thing or a bad thing? Greg also discusses the disaster that was the 2nd GOP Presidential debate. Is there a new […]